Tag Archives: Books

Rediscovered Master Books

Books by Gichin Funakoshi

Rentan Goshin Toudi Jutsu (1926)
Karate-Do Kyohan (1935)

(船越 義珍 Funakoshi Gichin, November 10, 1868 – April 26, 1957) is the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do, perhaps the most widely known style of karate, and is attributed as being the “father of modern karate”.
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Books by Kenwa Mabuni

Karate Kenpo (1934)
Karate-Do Nyumon (1938)

(摩文仁 賢和 Mabuni Kenwa, 14 November 1889 – 23 May 1952) was one of the first karateka to teach karate on mainland Japan and is credited as developing the style known as Shitō-ryū.
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