Impression Videos

  • Asai Shotokan Association International
    Sensei Andre Bertel is direct student of the renowned karate master Asai Tetsuhiko.
  • Asai Shotokan Impressions
    Sensei Andre Bertel is showing his abilities and understanding of the Asai Karate Style.
  • Harada Sensei in Sevilla
    Impression of the course in Sevilla 2015 from the Shotokai Ryu. It was held by sensei Mitsusuke Harada,.
  • High Kick Girl
    Movie scene from 'High Kick Girl' starring Naka Tatsuya Sensei.
  • Impressions Seminar Krefeld
    A very interessting seminar in Krefeld, Germany, held by Sensei Bertel in Octobre 2017.
  • Karate demonstration from 1994
    From the archive: Martial Arts Gala 1994 of the “Kampfsportschule Aarau”. Karate demonstration by Dieter Lüscher and Sivathana Samedy. This gala was organized by the Aarau Martial Arts School.
  • Karate Inspiration Video
    As a mirror’s polished surface reflects whatever stands before...
  • Karate Olympics 2020
    Karate will make its first appearance on the Games programme at Tokyo 2020.
  • Keiji Tomiyama
    Sensei Keiji Tomiyama is one of the most senior Shito-Ryu Instructors in Europe.
  • Martial Art Karate
    Shihan Michael Sim presents his point of view about Karate-Do.
  • Master Ueki Shihan in the age of 75 years
    生涯武道、植木政明師範。75歳の空手。Karate Master Ueki Shihan, 75 years old.
  • Mushin in the Spirit of Zen or Budo
    A brief explanation from Shihan Hirokazu Kanazawa(1931) about “mushin” in relation of the meaning with the empty mind.
  • Powerful Karate Impressions
    Karate demostration by Shihan Kunio Kobayashi from the JKA, feel the karate spirit.
  • Randori Impressions
    Randori with Sensei Kanazawa & Sensei Asano 1970.
  • Secret Karate
    Back to the roots of karate in Okinawa. This report shows the original and pure Karate styles in the presence of Okinawa with their heritage.
  • Sensei Bertel Seminar
    This is video for the participants of my seminar in Ahrensburg, Germany in the year 2016.
  • Sensei H. Kanazawa
    Interview with world-renowned Japanese master of Shotokan karate, HIROKAZU KANAZAWA 金澤 弘和, born on 3 May 1931.
  • Sensei Hideo Ochi
    Sensei Hideo Ochi at his prime, in charge as national trainer of Germany.
  • Sensei Morio Higaonna
    Interview with MORIO HIGAONNA 東恩納 盛男, 3rd generation Founder of Okinawan Goju-ryu Karate.
  • Sensei Zenpo
    Seibukan Shorin Ryu is the karate of Master Zenryo Shimabukuro, student of the great Master Chotoku Kyan.
  • Shotokan meets Okinawa
    Shotokan karate meets Okinawan Karate. A short history about Shotokan Karate. Tatsuya Naka begins a long journey to reach the origin of Karate.
  • Traditional Karate Training
    Discover some insight into the traditional karate karate lessons today of the "Kampfsportschule Aarau" in Switzerland.
  • Udekitae – body conditioning
    Udekitae – Arms and legs conditioning in Goju-ryu.
  • Uechi-Ryu Karate
    Sensei Kiyohide Shinjo from Uechi-Ryu Karate.